A photo of Picnic in the Vineyard
Group Experience
2-8p capacity

Winery Location


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Fully refundable up to 24 hours before your visit
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Other experiences from Azienda Agricola Josetta Saffirio

A photo of Josetta Saffirio Wine Tasting
Josetta Saffirio Wine Tasting
from €25
A photo of Wine and Food Experience
Wine and Food Experience
from €50
A photo of Gourmet Experience
Gourmet Experience
from €30
A photo of Wine and Cooking Experience
Wine and Cooking Experience
from €90
A photo of Wine and Truffle Experience
Wine and Truffle Experience
from €75
A photo of Barolo Experience
Barolo Experience
from €45
A photo of Cooking Demonstration
Cooking Demonstration
from €80
A photo of Gold Wine Experience
Gold Wine Experience
from €210
A photo of Wine and Trekking Experience
Wine and Trekking Experience
from €25
A photo of Josetta Saffirio Wine Tasting
Josetta Saffirio Wine Tasting
from €25
A photo of Wine and Food Experience
Wine and Food Experience
from €50
A photo of Gourmet Experience
Gourmet Experience
from €30
A photo of Wine and Cooking Experience
Wine and Cooking Experience
from €90
A photo of Wine and Truffle Experience
Wine and Truffle Experience
from €75
A photo of Barolo Experience
Barolo Experience
from €45
A photo of Cooking Demonstration
Cooking Demonstration
from €80
A photo of Gold Wine Experience
Gold Wine Experience
from €210
A photo of Wine and Trekking Experience
Wine and Trekking Experience
from €25
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