Winery Overview
Discover Domaine Rabiega, set on the heights of Draguignan, in Provence's inland countryside.
This small, 25-acre domain has chosen to focus its production on red wines. And not just run-of-the-mill reds! Rabiega's full-bodied, generous and very long-aging reds have earned the vineyard its reputation for excellence.
The domaine has a rich wine tradition and the first vineyards were planted in the 16th century. Over time, the domaine developed a wine institute both for research and the transmission of wine knowledge and its mysteries.
Then, more recently, the Vineyard was renamed "Rabiega" with the acquisition of the property in the 60s by Christiane Rabiega. Then it was two Swedish successive owners who bought back the Domaine Rabiega in order to create prestigious wines and develop a complex to accommodate seminars and conferences.
Domaine Rabiega also offers accommodation making it the perfect base to discover Provence. There are 20 uniquely decorated rooms in soft and warm colors with spectacular views of the gardens and vineyards.
Visiting wine lovers can enjoy winery and vineyard tours and wine tastings in the cellar.